will devine SA

My character is the narrator from the tell-tale heart by edgar allan poe. The story is about a crazy guy that tries to kill an old man and he finished the job he did it he killed the man from mental illness. Also he was  the old man made and he killed him over his eye not that he did something bad to him it was over his eye. How did the choices of the man affect his life I will tell you how.

He had a plan to kill  the man over how mad he was and because of all of his mental illnesses. That is how crazy he was over the old man’s eye he was crazy and he wanted to kill him so he was going to execute his plan. One reason he was crazy and that it showed it in the book is that it says “I creeped up into the closet I saw the old man’s eye.” but he also loved him at the same time because it states that “ I loved the old man he never did me wrong’’ but that is how much he didn’t like his eye.  It affected the outcome by making him have a really bad reputation and made him have a game of insecurity. That is why I think he had mental illness and how it affected the outcome of the story.

Another reason that his decisions affected the outcome of the story is that he told the police on himself when he kills the old man and he could’ve just said nothing that affected him by putting him in jail and not letting him come out in a while. It also effected him by how the way the hole story looked at him and said that he is stupid and cant do itkepp controll of himself. He says he hears the old mans heart and he he tells them out of no were and he goes to jail and you never hear from him again.

He was a very good many but just had alot of problems in his head and did not know what do do with himself. He did not want to do it to the old man but he didnt know wwhat to do because he didnt like one part of him. That is why he ewas a very crazy man.